Canine NutritionCanine Nutrition by Lowell Ackerman, D.V.M. is a must-have book for anyone considering a home-prepared diet for their dogs. From its “Overview of Nutrition” to its “Diets for Medical Conditions” it’s packed full of information on nutrition (including nutritional needs at various life stages), nutritional supplementation (including vitamins and minerals essential to a balanced diet as well as additional nutrients that help treat disease), commercial diets, and home-made diets. Particularly helpful: the “Purina Body Condition System” for assessing a dog’s condition (weight-wise), p. 23; lists of foods rich in each of the vitamins and minerals discussed; Proposed Optimal Nutrient Allowances for Growing and Adult Dogs (p. 239); and Ten Steps to Determine How Much to Feed Your Dog (pp. 244-245). There are recipes for home-prepared diets, although they’re a bit limited; use the information in this book to evaluate recipes from other sources as well.

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